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Good shop for this collector

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:14 am
by hfos
So a few days ago I was in a toy shop here in town, one I'd never been before because it's a little out of the way. Then when I was buying a little box of Duplos for my daughter (and for me :dream:) I noticed a keychain they had hanging in the back, not on display but for everyday use. I noticed it because hanging from it, amongst the keys, was a smurf I did not yet have.

So I asked them what they wanted for it, the shop manager was fetched and at first she (jokingly?) suggested a nice Italian dinner for her staff of 9, then I got the price down to that of another keychain. They picked one from their shop, one with kittens and fluffy bits for a whopping €2.95. Oh, and did I mention I found €2 on the floor in the same shop?

It's the second smurf I bought recently after a long 'dry spell' (the other one is one of those easter smurf variants), mostly because what I want is too expensive and this is a nice way to add to my collection.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:00 pm
by Tojo
Well done, that was a real bargain :-D

I love hearing stories like that :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:46 pm
by Smurfysmurf
That is excellent....I am with Tojo..those are my favorite stories :cheers:

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:47 am
by Ritter_Schlumpfenherz
Congratz Robin!!!! :congrats: I'm damn happy for you!!! :D :cheers: What is more than being lucky!!! :D